January 18, 2025

Chapter 9 – Update September 2024

September 2024

It has been a while since I posted here, probably for all the usual reasons. RL has been busy and I was away for 2 and a bit weeks in the summer. The job front has also got a few changes on the horizon which I can explain later when they are more official.

The devenir gris website:

This website has been up and running since 2019. I feel that there is definitely a need to update and revise various parts of it (e.g. Travel and weather page) and generally make things easier to find. Particularly the travel and weather page was something I felt could be useful for motorcyclists or any other travellers really in 2019 but doesn’t appear to fill any useful gaps at the moment as this functionality is available on pretty much all modern phones and almost everyone travels with one. Thus, I am considering scrapping that or doing a radical revision.

I had briefly toyed with the idea of leaving wordpress and trying something like 11ty but need to first have a play with 11ty to see if I can do it. This is not at all to do with my wordpress install but more to do with a general feeling of bloataceousness and a desire to strip things back down to the basics. There are definite parallels with “chopping” a motorcycle i.e. reducing something to the bare essentials 😊.

General gripe about the modern internet:

I have also been musing about the internet in general and find myself often happier without it than with it so I may try exploring this theme in a post. Some parts of it are, of course, very useful but I do often harbour a yearning for retro-websites created in html with real people behind them and early days of ebay when you could still find real bargains and generally more people contacts and pleasant decency without all the automated 24hr shopping and endless advertising.

Ubuntu touch project on hold:

There are still numerous threads on the site which could do with updates. I would love to be able to update the ubuntu touch thread but lacking a suitable device I have put the project on hold.

I still haven’t been able to procure a replacement screen for my volla 22 (same as Gigaset GS5 lite) for a reasonable price so when I manage this then the project can be restarted. The iPhone is behaving fine although it too has its idiosyncracies. The camera is still far and away the best phone camera so far (among my phones) despite the roaring success of my Nokia 7 plus years ago.

Fiddling about with the Lenovo Thinkpad T430:

I have fiddled with the T430 laptop again and removed Debian and replaced with Fedora 40 which seems to be working fine apart from the Libreboot settings (Leah Rowe has sent me details on how to remedy this so will report when I’ve tried it). My older daughter has left me a Macbook from 2010. She is hoping that I will repair it for her but am still doing the homework and reading up on youtube (a very useful source of repair videos despite everything) so haven’t got started here yet.

Oh dear:

And we are looking to find an affordable house somewhere in the Allgäu not too far from Kempten so best of luck to us in that 😊.

Tapering off:

All things considered I am pretty happy and fine with things at the moment and am grateful not to have to endure any of the dreadful disasters that continue to fill the news pages. This meant in a humble way.

Best regards and hope to see you soon 😉

The author

2wheels, adventure, ecology, dad and husband, green, news, tech-fan, trauma- and orthopod, engineer and human. https://mstdn.social/@MarkDW

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