January 18, 2025

Chapter 6 – Reflections on Englishness, Britishness and living in Europe

When people in Germany, where I live now, ask if something is “typically English”, I am often at a loss to explain and frequently say that it isn´t. It may be typical of a part of the population but not in a general sense for all.

Chapter 6 – Health and Illness – Part 1

I have been reading a very insightful short paper in German by Wilfried Belschner about the concepts of health and disease/sickness. I shall try to précis the paper from the original German and find links to illustrate the idea. Translations are mine and the condensation of the original German text is done from my perspective, the appendages and comments to the text are also mine.

Chapter 6 – casting my mind back and thinking about the why’s of travel

I´ve been musing about a few experiences in the past before I started writing this blog and how they influenced me. I shall try to piece the story and the thoughts together.