Chapter 6 – casting my mind back and thinking about the why’s of travel
I´ve been musing about a few experiences in the past before I started writing this blog and how they influenced me. I shall try to piece the story and the thoughts together.
time for change
I´ve been musing about a few experiences in the past before I started writing this blog and how they influenced me. I shall try to piece the story and the thoughts together.
And he had a good point. T’is the day before leaving, I made a pile of stuff to pack, started packing and was overawed by …
This is a list of things (which I shall update) to take on the above tour.
Feel the air flowing past, feel the machine running below you, become part of it and it becomes part of you, the intensity of the …
Well, time has now flown past, the internet address is now formally linked to these pages and it is definitely time to put pen to …
Well, here we are. I had promised myself that I would write my first post after handing in my notice