July 27, 2024

Chapter 7 – the climate catastrophe part 3

Looking at the size and complexity of the challenges facing us, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and scared of the scale of changes we need to make. I also feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the issue but am trying to make some steps in the right direction.

Chapter 7 – still living in the Corona Era

From my perspective, there are two broad issues which I see behind the Corona-virus pandemic and those are climate change with the expansion of human habitation and the issue of education/learning. Climate change is, in itself, an amalgamation of many, many issues and I will note a few of them below.

Chapter 6 – Quick update to explain why I’m a bit busy at the moment

I haven’t managed an update to the site for a while for various good reasons. Here’s a quick peek into my chaos at the moment. I can’t write about everything for reasons I can explain later so here goes:

Chapter 5 – Life in times of Corona – The new and newer normal

We´re currently on the back side of what might be termed the second wave in central Europe. The numbers are slowly going down but I have an uneasy feeling when looking at data concerning the proportion of mutated forms of the corona virus. These are now detectable in data, for example, from the southwest federal state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany and seem to be growing exponentially „under the cover“ of total current numbers.