Chapter 7 – ending this chapter with “Eight in the Octagon”
Eight paintings which were exhibited in Cambridge at the “Eight in the Octagon” exhibition depicting the history of the university.
time for change
“Many new things” in that we have moved house, started a new job and are heading towards a new federal government in Germany.
Eight paintings which were exhibited in Cambridge at the “Eight in the Octagon” exhibition depicting the history of the university.
Kunstprojekt in Kempten (Allgäu) für Kinder und Jugendliche als kreative Werkstatt 2022
The Volla phone 22 has now been in daily use for about a month and I have gained much useful experience and a few gripes from it.
I signed up for the new Volla Phone 22 on Kickstarter with a view to getting my degoogling and, if possible, Ubuntu Touch project back off the ground again.
Looking at the size and complexity of the challenges facing us, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and scared of the scale of changes we need to make. I also feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the issue but am trying to make some steps in the right direction.
Given that we have a major challenge ahead of us, what are things that each and every one of us can do to slow climate change down?
I was reading about climate change, or rather, the impending climate catastrophe and decided to collect a few links and sources here.
I never thought that I would look back fondly at the relative simplicity of 2021. The pace of change seems to have picked up in 2022 in Europe.
Now, in a moment of evening madness I signed up to the Kickstarter campaign for the Volla Phone 22.
After my last post about the end of my old Tiger and thoughts about what could replace it, I spent some time in February looking and test driving various bikes.