Chapter 6 – Health and Illness – Part 3 – Chronic Pain – Part 2 – PAINtings
These are PAINtings in which different aspects of pain or associated themes are expressed in paintings and drawings.
time for change
These are PAINtings in which different aspects of pain or associated themes are expressed in paintings and drawings.
In part three of this series about health and illness, I would like to present some thoughts and ideas about chronic pain.
I would now like to continue with the theme and look at the book “The Lost Art of Healing” by Bernard Lown, MD, a Nobel prize winning cardiologist.
I have been reading a very insightful short paper in German by Wilfried Belschner about the concepts of health and disease/sickness. I shall try to précis the paper from the original German and find links to illustrate the idea. Translations are mine and the condensation of the original German text is done from my perspective, the appendages and comments to the text are also mine.