July 27, 2024

Chapter 6 – Health and Illness – Part 3 – Chronic Pain – Part 2 – PAINtings

These are PAINtings in which different aspects of pain or associated themes are expressed in paintings and drawings.

The long and winding road from health (Gesund) to illness (krank) and back again. “Darn, now I have to go all the way back again!”

Here is a series of PAINtings describing changes and differences experienced during therapy:

This is a gallery following on from this previous post:

Chapter 6 - Health and Illness - Part 3 - Chronic Pain - Part 1 — Devenir Gris
In part three of this series about health and illness, I would like to present some thoughts and ideas about chronic pain.

The artist can be contacted via lampart-design.

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The author

2wheels, adventure, ecology, dad and husband, green, news, tech-fan, trauma- and orthopod, engineer and human. https://mstdn.social/@MarkDW

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