February 10, 2025

Chapter 7 – International Committee of the Red Cross

I am shocked and horrified by the events taking place in and around Ukraine. If you would like to help somehow but are not sure how or where then do take a look at the Red Cross webpage with various ways to help.

Chapter 7 – still living in the Corona Era

From my perspective, there are two broad issues which I see behind the Corona-virus pandemic and those are climate change with the expansion of human habitation and the issue of education/learning. Climate change is, in itself, an amalgamation of many, many issues and I will note a few of them below.

Recipe for Vanilla “Kipferl” without sugar with a mystery ingredient!

This is an excellent Christmas or advent time recipe which is typical for southern Germany, Austria and Alto Adige (Italy). Very tasty and also healthy vanilla Kipferl without sugar, sweetened with dates.