Chapter 9 – a quick getaway
June 2024 A liveblog about trying to get away for a few days on two motorbikes Jump! to bottom of page… There are plans at …
time for change
June 2024 A liveblog about trying to get away for a few days on two motorbikes Jump! to bottom of page… There are plans at …
January 2024 This post is going to have two parts. The first one is a very handy and uncomplicated recipe for fluffy vegan pancakes. The …
September 2023 Diese Gedanke verfolgt mich nun seit einiger Zeit. Auf der einen Seite bin ich umheimlich gern auf zwei Rädern in der Welt unterwegs …
I had a plan to get away for a few days with the bike and my (new) tent.
So far so good BUT no amount of fiddling about or reinstalling, resetting or various other methods could persuade the Garmin Smartphone Link app to work without Google background services.
After my last post about the end of my old Tiger and thoughts about what could replace it, I spent some time in February looking and test driving various bikes.
This is a page in progress to collect a few ideas for routes and places between Kempten and South Tirol in Italy.
The last time I posted about motorcycles was around about May 2021 after I was hit by a car reversing rather too rapidly for the situation.
I´ve been musing about a few experiences in the past before I started writing this blog and how they influenced me. I shall try to piece the story and the thoughts together.
Here’s an old motorcycle video from a tour from 2016 in France with a bit of music thrown in for you to enjoy