January 20, 2025

Chapter 6 – Quick update to explain why I’m a bit busy at the moment

July 2021

I haven’t managed an update to the site for a while for various good reasons. Here’s a quick peek into my chaos at the moment. I can’t write about everything for reasons I can explain later so here goes:

  • My ancient Subaru broke its wishbones and ended up in the great gravel road in the sky
  • I have had various interviews (more about this later) but did involve quite a lot of travelling
  • Whilst exploring an area of interest my motorbike was totalled (link here) by a reversing SUV
  • The ground floor and part of cellar of our house flooded and needed clearing
  • The pool pump needed urgent repair and new filter setting up
  • The horse needed to change stables at short notice (grrrr)
  • We may be moving house soon, at least we’ve now got the ground floor cleared and dismantled due to flooding
  • the pandemic appears to be picking up pace again after a lull (delta variant)
  • both of my teams have departed the european championship prior to expectations
  • I had an online meeting for a hundred people to prepare, organise and host
  • we have a kids’ birthday party here tomorrow with various small guests
  • some red deer and a wild rabbit family have moved into the bottom of the garden
  • and the climate crisis seems to be so far advanced that it’s actually making headlines (good in a way but worrying)

On a positive note, my tomato project is moving along, here are some slightly older photos. Currently they have a frame to support them and are supported at intervals:

Tomato update:

And the view down over the hills is still beautiful in the morning:

So I shall hang in there and just get the jobs done one by one. There will be a few new things to report soon and in case of any boredom seeping in, there’s always the German national elections bearing down on us in September 2021.

The author

2wheels, adventure, ecology, dad and husband, green, news, tech-fan, trauma- and orthopod, engineer and human. https://mstdn.social/@MarkDW

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