December 12, 2024

Chapter 6 – the day of the German federal elections 2021

26th September 2021

So where do I start? It’s been a bit quiet here on for a while because we’ve been moving house, changing jobs and gettings the kids started in new schools. We had no internet for a while but now we’re up and running again and it’s time to pick up and carry on! We’ve now more or less managed part one and have set up a forward base near the Alps in a beautiful area called the Allgäu in southern Germany which borders on Austria and is close to Switzerland. The old house will still be in use until Christmas then we will all be down here.

It’s a fantastic area here right in the middle of Europe with great access in all directions. Even though I haven’t found a replacement for the motorbike yet I am eyeing up various routes into and through the alps for future tours. Italy is not far away!

German federal elections 2021

Today is the day of the German federal elections 2021, which could well be an important turning point, and I’m hoping that the Green party can really make some ground and be well set up in the future to have greater leverage and make more of a difference.

New job

I have a new job lined up for mid October which should be an interesting foray into the world of medical or rather orthopaedic rehabilitation and treatment possibilities for chronic pain. More about that in due course.

Project pages on

I made a bit more progress with my German-language history project with my older daughter with a visit to a book presentation by Jürgen Gückel which was very interesting if quite hard to listen to due to the subject material.

I think I shall take a break here and update again later as the election results will start coming in in a moment and I’m sure there will be a lot to muse about there…

Update 14th October 2021:

Here’s a link to the official results of the German federal elections 2021:

So, as you can see, there are quite some coalition negotiations to be undertaken and these might well take some time although the parties involved have said that they see the need to be as quick as possible. We shall see and I shall report in a further update. At the moment, I feel that with the elections finished for the time being and having moved to the Allgäu region in southern Germany (near Austria and Switzerland) and got the kids settled into new schools… It is definitely time for a new chapter. Chapter 7!

The author

2wheels, adventure, ecology, dad and husband, green, news, tech-fan, trauma- and orthopod, engineer and human.

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