Another glorious start to the day in Provence. Did this and that in the morning and got my stuff together and packed most of it on the bike. We had a great lunch outside with two friends of Jon and demolished the rest of the tajine with more rice. I was getting comfortable and had to force myself to finally get going. Said goodbyes to all and off I went. The trip from there was thankfully uneventful, because of the late start I did the quickest route to the autoroute and plodded up to Lyon from there. I got as far as Mâcon and have hunkered down in a hotel that is possibly the closest thing to a day-release remand centre I have ever seen, it is so bad that it’s almost worth a visit just for that.
Anyway, early start tomorrow after breakfast and then hopefully should make it home by the late afternoon. I’ll try to surprise the kids at riding school!
Cucuron to Mâcon and then home…